Amenity & Golf Privileges
If you are a new resident, please contact Membership Services at (904) 637-0642 | (904) 637-0666 or stop by the Athletic Center to secure your temporary pass to the amenities (swim, tennis, fitness) and to make an appointment for your new member set-up. To secure your temporary pass, you will need to provide Closing Documents or Deed to staff to be issued your temporary pass. All family members must be present at time of appointment (about 10-15 minutes).
What to Expect at Your Appointment: Please bring the completed membership documents received at the time you made your appointment in their entirety to your set up appointment. At that time, all family members 3 years of age or older are photographed and entered into our computer system for access to the facilities.
Changes in Ownership/Residency
It is the property owners’ responsibility to inform Membership Services of any changes to your account that should occur, including but not limited to: address change, phone number change or household members. Failure to do so could result in suspension of privileges.
Rental Property
If you own rental property in Eagle Landing, it is your responsibility to notify Membership Services of tenant termination and provide new tenant information. You have one of two options concerning Amenity Privileges:
1. Fill out the Homeowners Release of Amenities Privilege form, giving rights to the facilities & charging privileges to the renters.
2. As the homeowner you have the option to keep your privileges to use the facilities, and NOT give them to your renters. Should you decide to retain these privileges, please notify your renters that they cannot use the amenities nor have charging privileges.
If a rent/lease agreement is extended, the renters should provide a copy of the new agreement to Membership Services in order to continue their privileges associated with their Resident Account.
Website Assistance
If you are having difficulties logging into your Eagle Landing Online account, please contact our Web Administrator, Rachael MacNabb at [email protected]